Thursday 24 March 2011

Charlie Sheen's Tiger Blood for Sale?

Among the many outrageous and downright wacky things that Charlie Sheen has said in the last week is the fact that he has tiger blood running through his body. He was even photographed clutching a bottle labeled "Tiger Blood" which I imagine he concocted at home with his live-in porn stars goddesses. Could there actually be people willing to pay for this stuff? Apparently so.

A company called Harcos Labs, producers of bizarre products such as "Zombie Blood" energy drink and "Nuclear Energy Powder," is taking a gamble on Charlie's media attention. They have released a drink called "Tiger Blood Energy Potion" selling for $4 (or $15.96 for a four-pack). According to the company's website, the drink is "made from 100% passion specifically to make your brain fire in a way that's not from this particular terrestrial realm."

To make this even more creepy, the 80 mg caffeinated drink is packaged in a pouch that kind of looks like a blood bag. Charlie Sheen probably ordered 10 cases already.

Photo Credit: Ethan Miller/Getty Images.


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